活動宗旨: 通過藝術創作去提高公眾對眼睛健康的重視
Mission: Raise public awareness of eye health through artistic creation
主題 Theme:
Eyes, children, glasses, disadvantaged groups
參賽資格 Requirement:
P1 - P3 primary school students
獎項 Award:
感謝狀,禮品 Certificate of Commendation,gift
得獎作品會在聖紀文小學展覽 The winning works will be exhibited at SKH St. Clement's Primary School
參賽者必須於 2024年7月1日至 2024 年9月1日 前提交參賽相片及所需資料,一切時間以本網站伺服器接收為準,逾期遞交恕不受理。
Applicants must submit Entry Form and upload images to here before 23:59:59, 31th Aug 2024. Any reason of late submission is not accepted.
相片要求 Technical Requirement
1. 參賽作品須為數碼檔案,並以JPEG或TIFF數碼檔提交。
Format of image must be in JPEG or TIFF.
2. 所有檔案大小須為20MB或以下。
Maximum file size is 20 MB each.
3. 參賽作品只接受少量調整光暗、對比度或色彩飽和度及相片裁剪,其他數位修圖手段,包括電腦合成或消減圖上任何物件及改變色彩,均不為接納。
Minimal light, contrast/ exposure and dimension adjustment are acceptable. Airbrushing, digital manipulation and alternation are not allowed.
4. 主辦單位不接受含有任何浮水印及簽名檔的參賽作品。
Image with watermark or signature are not accepted.
5. 參賽作品須附完整標題,並以不多於20-50字中文或英文簡介作品理念、希望帶出的訊息或拍攝原因。
Applicant must provide name and brief introduction of the entry with less than 20-50 words.
6. 參賽作品必須為原創及未經任何方式或渠道公開發表、出版及同類型比賽。
Participation must guarantee that the entries have neither been openly shown, published or broadcasted in any forms or through any channels, nor have they been involved in other commercial purposes or submitted for other competitions.
7. 所有參賽作品,不得在公佈結果前發表。
All entries must not be openly shown, published or broadcasted in any forms or through any channels before adjudication.
8. 所有參賽作品版權均屬主辦單位所擁有; 獲獎作品之出版權,亦歸主辦單位所擁有。
Participants must fully understand and agree to assign to the organiser the copyright of their works without charge.
9. 所有評審結果以評審團的最後決定為準。如有任何爭議,主辦單位擁有最終決定權。
The decision of the adjudication panel on the competition results shall be final. In case of any disputes, the Organizer's decision is final.
10. 主辦單位將保留一切比賽活動中之最終決定權,包括演繹、更改、取消或暫 停此活動的細則及條款、獎項及其他安排,而不需另行通知。
The Organizer reserves the right to make decision on all matters relating to the competition, which shall be final. This includes the right to interpret, amend, cancel or suspend the terms and conditions, prizes and other arrangements of the competition without notice.
時間表 Timetable:
截止報名 Closing: 24 Sep 2024 at 23:59:59
公報結果 Announcement: 28 Sep 2024
頒獎日期驗眼活動中公佈 Award Presentation: 28 Sep 2024
評審準則 Assessment Criteria
整體構圖 Composition 60%
攝影技巧 Technique 30%
訊息表達 Message 10%
HK Kids Eye Care Fund Ltd / 西九龍獅子會 / Wiki Production
修訂日期 03-06-2024